Thursday, May 24, 2007

Our home grown loot system (EPGP) grows in popularity and gains commercial support

Guild Launch Adds EPGP Support to Rapid Raid DKP Too

Glen Allen, VA, May 21, 2007 - Guild Launch is proud to announce the addition of EPGP (Effort Points/Gear Points) raid management system to its proprietary Rapid Raid DKP (Dragon Kill Points) raid management application for massively-multiplayer online games. EPGP is a form of DKP that is gaining popularity and Guild Launch will be the first guild host to offer it as part of their free and subscription-based guild hosting plans.

What is DKP? DKP, or dragon kill points, is a class of economic systems and software used in MMORPGs to distribute rare in-game items among guild members.

What is EPGP? EPGP stands for Effort Points/Gear Points. Effort Points quantify the effort each guild member puts towards the common guild goals and Gear Points quantify what each member receives in return. Loot priority is computed as the quotient of the two: priority (PR) is equal to EP/GP. The factor that makes EPGP unique is "point rot." Since EP and GP decay over time, active players are rewarded for their consistent contribution and new players are able to move up in their guild ranking at a very satisfying pace. Point rot also prevents EP hoarding by veteran players who may not take part in raids as often as they did in the past.
The end result of EPGP is a raid system that is fair, easy to understand and popular with new and veteran players alike.

To learn more about DKP and EPGP we recommend the following articles:
With each release Guild Launch expands its social and guild networking by bringing users, characters and game data together in creative ways to improve a user's experience in and out of game. Guild Launch was founded in 2006 by Stephen Johnston with the intent to bring the best guild hosting available in both the free and subscription-based arena.